Not long now to the SDMS meeting in Denver, Colorado. This is our 10th year exhibiting - and we always have a great time at SDMS. The meeting opens with a cocktail party in the exhibit hall on Thursday night. Open bar, food, music and shopping around the exhibits. This is when we meet the most attendees. We enjoy hearing what your work conditions are like, if you currently use a specialty bed, what types of injuries you may have, how long you have been scanning, and my favorite - how many studies you do per day. All of this information is very valuable to us in our design and production of exam beds. Although it may seem like fun, Jason & I are gathering information to help sonographers improve their working conditions.
I hope as you read our blog you have already made plans to attend the meeting.
If not, click here for the link to SDMS to sign up now!
We look forward to seeing you next month in Denver.
Angela Stasney